Climate Compost is a microbially rich inoculum to improve the biological function of the soil. It is:
- Dark brown in colour
- Friable, easy to handle, like a healthy soil
- Fully digested – no presence of organic matter pieces above 0.5mm
- pH between 7-8
- 100% peat free
- 100% plastics free
- Moisture content 55%
- Sold in 1.5kg(2 litre) bags and 15kg bags
User Benefits
- Increases carbon capture
- Increases the ability to fix nitrogen
- Increases the resilience of soils during times of stress
- Increases the health and immunity of plants
- Supports biodiversity above and below ground
Technical Specification
Product Specification: The details of the content of Climate Compost are given below. All values given in the Technical Specification are typical. However, some variation may occur from time to time, particularly for the purpose of product improvement. Product tested in accordance with methods listed in the relevant British Standards for Soil Improvers and Growing Media.
Soil Life Analysis: Plfas (Phospholipid fatty acids) occur in the cell walls of living organisms. Different functional groups of organisations have a unique composition of plfas. By measuring the composition, a fingerprint of the microbial community can be given. All our results indicate a material with a high or very high amount of each group. Here are descriptions of what a few key groups of soil micro-organisms do:
Different types of bacteria play different roles in the soil: breaking down organic material, promoting plant growth (rhizobacteria fix nutrients), fixing nitrogen, converting ammonium into nitrate nitrogen, forming stable aggregates, increasing disease resistance and forming breakdown products that can weaken or kill pathogens. Actinomycetes are a group of bacteria that form threads that resemble fungal hyphae and are able to break down complex materials. Actinomycetes are important for disease resistance, because some species can excrete antibiotics or parasitize pathogens. They can also compete with pathogenic fungi for space and food. Fungi cause degradation of complex forms of organic material, form stable aggregates, excrete organic acids which improve the availability of some nutrients and increase disease resistance through competition or predation. Arbuscular Mycorrhiza, the active mycelium (network of hyphae) these fungi live in symbiosis with plant roots and thereby increase the root surface. In exchange for sugars, the plant receives water and nutrients such as phosphorus and potassium. Protozoa are single-cell micro-organisms that contain a cell nucleus, the most important function of protozoa is to make nutrients available to the plant by "grazing" on microorganisms (mainly bacteria). The PLFA diversity is an indicator of the diversity of the soil life, higher diversity is often related to better stability and resilience.
The results of the PLFA test below show that CC Inoculum has:
- High microbial biomass and tropic levels (2, 3)
- High levels of total bacteria and fungi – fungal bacteria ratio 1:1
- High levels of protozoa (nutrient cycling)
- High microbial diversity (Shannon Index)