 Rousham, Oxfordshire
 West Green House, Hampshire - here is the most wonderful hen House in England
 Almond coloured candy borders at Narborough Hall, Norfolk
 We launched the book at Soane on Wednesday 12th November which was supported by 150 people from the Garden world.  Henri and I at Soane before the launch - way out of our depth and neither at all interested in a cocktail party for 150 - let alone an
 Photographer Clive Nichols signing in the front window of Soane
 And then we did it again two nights later on November 14 at Broughton Castle. Over 200 people braved the icy cold and packed the Great Hall at Broughton Castle
 You can buy the book on our website or at London bookshops, Potterton Books,  Lutyens + Rubinstein and John Sandoe Books.     The charming  Ben Pentreath  very kindly said "I cannot recommend it enough - the most beautiful book"   &nb
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